I don't like assumptions. On what basis someone assumed that...
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Reply to Msg 17837
I don't like assumptions.
On what basis someone assumed that the original tweet came from someone in the Diaspora, living in US?
Why taking a jab. Every country has endemic problems.
Asnath Colson, July 15 2017, 5:18 PM
Topic: Haitian man offended by White Missionaries driving around in "Cage Trucks"
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This is a manifestation of pure white american racism. Why does the Haitian State allow such public insulting behaviour? Herman (ion neg blanc) read more >
Herman, 2-Jun-17 11:11 am
kick them out of the country. NOW! read more >
Aj, 3-Jun-17 4:46 pm
I think it's being smart, nobody in they're right mind would drive around Haiti in an open truck- they don't call this country Haiti whitie for... read more >
Chris Buzcik, 5-Jun-17 7:31 pm
I am one of the missionaries that has a caged truck. We bring mission teams to the mountains to work in our cooperative and since there are no roads... read more >
Eunice Tassone, 14-Jun-17 10:01 pm
First, thank the gentleman for making an observation. Perhaps admit you didn't see it that way. Second, I call BS about being thrown out of the... read more >
Lenz, 21-Jun-17 5:42 pm
don't you have people in detroit or chicago to help. clean your neighborhood before trying to clean mine. read more >
James, 6-Jul-17 12:56 pm
Come on now. Away with the patriotic pride. Missionaries are the saviors of Haiti. Haiti's good angels sent by God Himself. Missionaries have the... read more >
Asnath Colson, 15-Jul-17 1:21 pm
With all the reports of armed robberies can you blame them to protect themselves whichever way they want to? Come on. Stop biting the hands that are... read more >
Asnath Colson, 15-Jul-17 1:34 pm
I don't like assumptions. On what basis someone assumed that the original tweet came from someone in the Diaspora, living in US? Why taking a jab... read more >
Asnath Colson, 15-Jul-17 5:18 pm
Fuck you bitch, they ain't feeding shit. Because of people like that Haiti has become an international scheme rather than a sovereign country. How... read more >
Gadfly, 24-Jul-17 10:19 pm
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