I am one of the missionaries that has a caged truck.
We bring mission teams to the mountains to work in our cooperative and since there are no roads we need the cage for safety purposes.
People can be thrown out of a truck on a mountain road if there is nothing to hang on to. Obviously some people living in the city have never been to their own mountain areas to see the dangers.
Our organization invests thousand of dollars in sustainable development in nine mountain villages.
In the past 30 years 3 of these 9 villages are sustaining themselves.
We certainly are not in Haiti to offend people.
An attitude adjustment is needed for the individual that thinks this way.
This is a manifestation of pure white american racism. Why does the Haitian State allow such public insulting behaviour? Herman (ion neg blanc) read more >
I think it's being smart, nobody in they're right mind would drive around Haiti in an open truck- they don't call this country Haiti whitie for... read more >
Chris Buzcik, 5-Jun-17 7:31 pm
I am one of the missionaries that has a caged truck. We bring mission teams to the mountains to work in our cooperative and since there are no roads... read more >
Eunice Tassone, 14-Jun-17 10:01 pm
First, thank the gentleman for making an observation. Perhaps admit you didn't see it that way. Second, I call BS about being thrown out of the... read more >
Lenz, 21-Jun-17 5:42 pm
don't you have people in detroit or chicago to help. clean your neighborhood before trying to clean mine. read more >
James, 6-Jul-17 12:56 pm
Come on now. Away with the patriotic pride. Missionaries are the saviors of Haiti. Haiti's good angels sent by God Himself. Missionaries have the... read more >
Asnath Colson, 15-Jul-17 1:21 pm
With all the reports of armed robberies can you blame them to protect themselves whichever way they want to? Come on. Stop biting the hands that are... read more >
Asnath Colson, 15-Jul-17 1:34 pm
I don't like assumptions. On what basis someone assumed that the original tweet came from someone in the Diaspora, living in US? Why taking a jab... read more >
Asnath Colson, 15-Jul-17 5:18 pm
Fuck you bitch, they ain't feeding shit. Because of people like that Haiti has become an international scheme rather than a sovereign country. How... read more >