How the Clinton Foundation ripped off Haiti-It filtered money through Haiti and back to itself.
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Just one item: Foreign governments and foreign companies got Haitian deals in exchange for bankrolling the Clinton Foundation.
The Clinton Foundation lists the Brazilian construction firm OAS and the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) as donors that have given it between $1 billion and $5 billion.
The IDB receives funding from the State Department, and some of this funding was diverted to OAS for Haitian road-building contracts.
Yet an IDB auditor, Mariela Antiga, complained that the contracts were padded with "excessive costs" to build roads "no one needed." Antiga also alleged that IDB funds were going to a construction project on private land owned by former Haitian president Rene Preval -- a Clinton buddy -- and several of his cronies.
For her efforts to expose corruption, Antiga was promptly instructed by the IDB to pack her bags and leave Haiti.
In 2011, the Clinton Foundation brokered a deal with Digicel, a cell-phone-service provider seeking to gain access to the Haitian market.
The Clintons arranged to have Digicel receive millions in U.S. taxpayer money to provide mobile phones.
The USAID Food for Peace program, which the State Department administered through Hillary aide Cheryl Mills, distributed Digicel phones free to Haitians.
Digicel didn't just make money off the U.S. taxpayer; it also made money off the Haitians.
When Haitians used the phones, either to make calls or transfer money, they paid Digicel for the service.
Haitians using Digicel's phones also became automatically enrolled in Digicel's mobile program.
By 2012, Digicel had taken over three-quarters of the cell-phone market in Haiti.
Digicel is owned by Denis O'Brien, a close friend of the Clintons.
O'Brien secured three speaking engagements in his native Ireland that paid $200,000 apiece.
These engagements occurred right at the time that Digicel was making its deal with the U.S. State Department.
O'Brien has also donated lavishly to the Clinton Foundation, giving between $1 million and $5 million
Jane, October 31 2016, 12:23 PM
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