Dear responsible, Iam really proud to greet you and I want to...
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Reply to Msg 9625
Dear responsible, Iam really proud to greet you and I want to work like a translator in us embassy because i have a good skill in english and I have been translating for many years.
Etienne Saint Fleur, February 6 2016, 2:04 PM
Topic: Regarding Job Opportunities at the US Embassy in Haiti, Read this...
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Dear responsible,Iam really proud to greet you and I want to work like a translator in us embassy because i have a good skill in english and I have... read more >
Etienne Saint Fleur, 6-Feb-16 2:04 pm
Cher responsable j'ai l'honneur de vous ecrire pour vous demander un emploie'je suis un electricien mais je peux travailler comme argent... read more >
Octave Anas, 9-Feb-16 11:24 am
Cher responsable c'est avec beaucoup d'honneur de vous ecrire pour vous demander un emploie. je suis electricien mais je peux travailler comme... read more >
Octave Anas, 9-Feb-16 11:32 am
Je suis tres content d'etre postuler pour ce job. read more >
Johncy Charles, 10-Feb-16 8:23 am
i'm i studied computer science and i programm and i repair what ever the prob it is in a computer, i studied too electronic, i make cable rj45 network read more >
Francky Alexandre Petit F, 10-Feb-16 10:30 am
I want to postule for a job read more >
Nazaire Symilcar, 17-Feb-16 4:01 pm
I want to postule for a job read more >
Nazaire Symilcar, 17-Feb-16 4:01 pm
Dear Responsible It's a honor for me to work with you as house keeper or guard yard and cleaner. So just to get myself useful to my family and my... read more >
Eliscard Johnson, 18-Feb-16 9:55 pm
security je suis pere de famille read more >
Fequiere Willio, 23-Feb-16 7:01 am
je voudrais un boulot de chez je suis tecnicen en informatique diplome a Aliance ecole professionnelle. merci comptant deja sur votre generosite read more >
Edisonauguste, 25-Feb-16 7:39 pm
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