to Mr. Woody saintpreux.
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Reply to Msg 1616
I had posted a message as such a few weeks ago. Without togetherness, we are doomed.
My message was that hwen I was young high school student, we had Haitian Clubs all over Brooklyn.
In these clubs, we were Haitian with no shame.
I remember we would all chip in for Christmas parties etc.
Now we are grown with jobs. Every week most of us give 10% to a church sitting in there.
I don't mean any wrong at all. I myself am a christian.
What i am trying to say is instead of little churches here and there, why don't we have just a few HAITIAN CLUBS.
every week we chip in 10% or a bit less.
In that Haitian club, we would have daycare and aftercare running by very competent individuals.
Buffet as breackfast and dinner everyday.
In there, our good teachers would give the kids a good two hours a day and at the same time, our older kids can tutor the younger ones.
In that same place we can address problems and find solutions.
before you know it, we will have a very strong community where everyone is a brother or a sister.
The jews and muslems don't have churches, they have synagogues and mosks and they run them just like that.
At the synagogue or mosk there is always money to help the next business business man or woman.
the synagogue is a place for praying, preaching, eating together everyday, consulation, education and advancements.
A church is a place where you rent a sit very expensive to worship God and having nothing coming back to you. anything these churches give away are from government's funds.
cheese, powdered milk some bread etc. a religeous school is is like a morgage.
With a Haitian Club, we can have it all and much more. remember God loves fraternity.
When he is ready to bless us, he will bless us all "together"
Garry Destin, December 30 2005, 7:37 PM
Topic: Open letter to everyone in the Haitian Community
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