This tells you how the hatian people lost all humanity after...

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This tells you how the hatian people lost all humanity after years of chaos.

I am haitian but I felt ashamed reading the headlilne of this BS website: "the poorest country is Nicaragua.." As long as there will be people with reactions and actions and a mentalilty like you, unfortunately, haiti will always be behind.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

And by the way, as long as there is a "richest country", there will be a "poorest".

Beatrice, August 24 2015, 11:32 AM

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Topic: The poorest Country in the Western Hemisphere is Nicaragua, not Haiti

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This tells you how the hatian people lost all humanity after years of chaos. I am haitian but I felt ashamed reading the headlilne of this BS... read more >
Beatrice, 24-Aug-15 11:32 am
This tells you how the hatian people lost all humanity after years of chaos. I am haitian but I felt ashamed reading the headlilne of this BS... read more >
Beatrice, 24-Aug-15 11:32 am
Haiti still has people filled with protruding mouths more resembling something unkike any other race. Looks at their high cheek bones. Same island... read more >
Nick Swab, 16-Aug-16 10:18 pm
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