Mwen Pense se pa ou imiliadion nou abitiye ak sisterm USA la...
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Reply to Msg 15151
Mwen Pense se pa ou imiliadion nou abitiye ak sisterm USA la anything can happen at anytime anywhere anyway means that can happen to anyone ka Vive nan USA sometime it simples because you are black.
Juslainechery, May 8 2015, 2:48 PM
Topic: PHOTO: Arrested - Stanley Toussaint alias TANTAN - Mugshot
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Mwen Pense se pa ou imiliadion nou abitiye ak sisterm USA la anything can happen at anytime anywhere anyway means that can happen to anyone ka Vive... read more >
Juslainechery, 8-May-15 2:48 pm
Amazing how we destroy people without knowing all the facts. This picture should not be on any website unless all the facts are attached. This is... read more >
Jp, 9-May-15 12:37 pm
Si vous ne donnez pas la raison en publiant la photo c'est est qu il y a une mauvaise volonte de denigrer un artiste haitien et compatriote... read more >
Josh, 10-May-15 8:08 am
Vous publiez cette photo dans l unique de le denigrer. veuillez vous renseigner avant de poster une quelconque information. crois moi ca nuit a la... read more >
Regine Jean Baptiste, 4-Jun-15 12:19 pm
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