For years, folks in Haiti had subsidized fuel and were...
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Reply to Msg 14442
For years, folks in Haiti had subsidized fuel and were sheltered from the international fuel market.
Now, due to unusual and temporary circumstances, the market is extremely low and folks want to take advantage of that.
What will folks do when the international market goes back up to much higher rates?
Will folks then protest and demand that someone once again subsidizes their fuel?
Karl Lorenz, February 3 2015, 9:23 AM
Topic: Haiti Gas Prices Drops to 195 Gourdes following Public transport strike
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For years, folks in Haiti had subsidized fuel and were sheltered from the international fuel market. Now, due to unusual and temporary... read more >
Karl Lorenz, 3-Feb-15 9:23 am
Gouverner Haiti c'est comme vouloir fumer un cigar allume a ses deux bouts!!!... Il faut etre bon jongleur; il n'y a pas une politique definie... read more >
Galujo Charles, 3-Feb-15 12:34 pm
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