I am honest with you, Before I was very negative about the...
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Reply to Msg 14372
I am honest with you,
Before I was very negative about the gouvernment of Haiti, but now I complain against the anti-Martelly who never did anything for Haiti, now they are the one who keep saying President Martelly have to go, where?
I have to tell you the truth: regarding work President Martelly and Lamothe have done I will not give their dogs for anti-Martelly and Lamothe, my opinion I would like Lamothe come at is place as Primer Minister.
Viv President Martelly for 15 years and Lamothe 15 years, if I am still alive they will decide the best candidate to send in the election.
But they have to promise me they will do the best not to serve Satan and the bad Angels, and give the poor a minimum rage at-least $200 a day otherwise call Patrick at 416-274-9803;
I will not tell you, but in the name of Jesus I will give them more thand that.
Maybe I will be King of Haiti because advantage I will give the nation they will never let me go.
Number one I am music producer, mixing, playing guitar, keyboard bass and all instrument and more. I will give all the Haitian's people prepay master card to pay for their softwares online and sell their musics, software and all products online, with me they will make millions of dollar.
Nèg pap vin kontiné gaspiyé ankò, kounyé a mwen knpé, tout sam bézwen poum démaré la a mwen bézwen yon bon team an Hati ki pa kanpé sou vòlè, yo pwal mélé.
Patrick Princivil, January 10 2015, 5:23 PM
Topic: Haiti : 12 Janvier 2010 - 12 Janvier 2015, five years later, Where are we now?
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