If you want to know if Haitians love Haiti, try to take away their freedom

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Reply to Msg 1273

I'm Jamaican and when I read this, it brought me to place of gratitude and pride.

When you say if you want to know if Haitians love Haiti, then take away their freedom, those are some powerful words.

If only other people of color would approach their heritage the way Haitians do.

Thank you so much.

Sherine, January 1 2015, 1:18 PM

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I love the article. I myself am in a quest to share our beautiful culture with the rest of the world. I love your picture. Can I use it? Please... read more >
Richard, 25-May-12 11:38 am
I'm Jamaican and when I read this, it brought me to place of gratitude and pride. When you say if you want to know if Haitians love Haiti, then take... read more >
Sherine, 1-Jan-15 1:18 pm
Thank you to Woodring for a great article. Every year, I invite my friends from other islands to share my soup joumou. Now we have soup joumou... read more >
Phil Boucard, 25-Feb-16 6:55 am
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Paul Bance, 25-Feb-16 10:24 pm
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Tigeorges, 25-Feb-16 11:10 pm
How come most Haitien don't remember why and what Jesus our Lord did for us. Whish is more than anything in this planet. What He endure, no one was... read more >
Luciana, 23-Mar-16 5:36 am
Checkout the brand New Mizikpam Internet Radio for your favorite Haitian Tunes 24/7!! Mizikpam.com read more >
Mizikpam, 30-Jul-16 1:53 pm
amen I love soup joumou a lot cause is my cultures thing and i cant stay 1 year without eating it it is so goo who ever never try it before. read more >
Linda, 28-May-17 9:33 pm
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