When Jean Claude and Michelle were in power, we were proud of our country.
We use to be free, we had electricity, we could go everywhere, any time, day and night.
I think his form of dictactorship was working well because since they left, Haiti became a Hellish place, especially with the ugliest shit like Aristid.
He should have been the one that died. That stupid Aristid gave power to ugly theives like him. I hope they kill his ass soon!
Ahhhhhhh papa! Ti neg pat kon-n pan mwen! Se pou tout Prezidan yo purifie ak tout fan-mi yo au nom de Jesus. Se pou tout lapolis, Munistah, L'arme... read more >
Patrick Princivil, 11-Oct-14 8:12 am
Jah love. Give thanks and praises for sharing this photograph. Go to hell Baby Doc. Your boss, the devil is waiting for you. And your relatives and... read more >
Marie Nadine Pierre, 11-Oct-14 8:13 am
Se sel ayiti pou michele bennet nan figi moun tjou ak tout maril ki mouria. read more >
James Constant, 11-Oct-14 8:58 am
Nadine you next obnoxious asshole,this is not the time. read more >
go hell devil shit you and your family peace of shit read more >
Ronald Bert, 11-Oct-14 5:41 pm
When Jean Claude and Michelle were in power, we were proud of our country. We use to be free, we had electricity, we could go everywhere, any time... read more >
Edna, 11-Oct-14 10:45 pm
peux importe son passee il etait un etre humain personne n'est parfait toutes mes condoleance a sa famille que la terre lui soit leger a DIEU... read more >
Keer, 12-Oct-14 7:23 am
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Jerome Moloby, 12-Oct-14 8:57 am
Ok you right but until now where I come in from we live in dark.....electricity where? People used to be scared but not respect equal between... read more >