My peoples, I am sorry to say, ebola is not far to landing in Haiti for what I know if France and United states don't do anything because I think there are more than 60 peoples or plus who do West Africa to Haiti two time a year and all transit to USA or France
The moment I am writhing you this message two of my colleagues just left West Africa but they refuse to visit their families in Haiti because they want to be completely clear, they go to another country to spend some day first.
Your discussion with your friend is not an improbability! Ebola is worst than AIDS!! The authority wants the public to believe it is not airborne... read more >
Renee Sou Facebook, 9-Oct-14 10:03 pm
Monsieur, Importante question? Mais si EBOLA arrive en Haiti il sera trop tard pour que Haiti agisse par ses propres moyens. Haiti devra compter sur... read more >
Paul Dja, 10-Oct-14 4:08 am
Well for starters. My God is an awesome God; he would deliver us from this catastrophe, he has done it once, he could do it again. Il est le meme... read more >
Richie, 10-Oct-14 7:38 am
tout espwa mwen se sou Bondye li ye,si virus sa rantre nan peyi a pap gen ayiti anko read more >
Sherlie, 10-Oct-14 9:23 am
God is greater than ebola. keep. all those that are sick with this desease in ypur prayers. What doctors cannot do God can. pray pray pray. God... read more >
Yvette Duverge, 10-Oct-14 11:31 am
My peoples, I am sorry to say, ebola is not far to landing in Haiti for what I know if France and United states don't do anything because I think... read more >
Delinois Eugene, 10-Oct-14 11:44 am
Ahhhhhhh papa! Ti neg pat kon-n pan mwen! Se pou tout Prezidan yo purifie ak tout fan-mi yo au nom de Jesus. Se pou tout lapolis, Munistah, L'arme... read more >