I need your signatures
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My brother got deported to Haiti for fighting and is now being held at Penitenciers Nationale in Haiti.
They refuse to let him go unless we pay $5,000 USA which we don't have. They also changed his paper to a bigger crime of which he was not convicted.
He already spent 8 years in prison up here and now he is still not free. He is only 22 years old and have been in the United States for 15years.
He spent all his youth in prison.
We have no one back home who can bring him food or check up on him and I hear people are dying in those prisons in Haiti.
I need to send a petition to the judge to have him out but I need at least 100 signatures so he can hear me out. If you would please be so kind and e-mail me your name and e-mail address so it could be legit, I would be forever grateful.
Or if you can think of an alternative suggestion, I would love to hear you out. My e-mail address is ssimon [at] excite.com. I'm coming to my fellow Haitians in hope that I will get the help. Thank you in advance.
I need it asap. I can't let my brother die out there without at least a little taste of freedom.
Thank you so much!
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