I have been to many places around the world, and was recently...
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Reply to Msg 13343
I have been to many places around the world, and was recently in Ecuador.
You must have a Bachelor degree to be a tour guide, and I would like to see Haiti the same way. I am not talking about the degree, but want Port au Price to look like Quito and cater to tourists.
The Ecuadorians are working, and the streets are clean.
There are hospitals, hotels, motels, guest houses, restaurants, malls, and it is like any city in America.
Americans are retiring there, and it is very safe. I walked around, and was not scared for my life. There is no kidnapping, and they respect visitors.
I have been to Dominica, and some other islands in the Caribbean.
I want Haiti to catch up, and I believe in my heart President Martelly can take the country to the next levels.
Josy, August 31 2014, 11:00 PM
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