Mario Joseph and Stephanie Villedrouin shall not just contemplate holding these honorable titles and releasing speeches with no delivery.
They shall carry out the duties of these jobs as required.
Root cause analyses must be conducted to determine why tourism works at the neighbor next door and not in our own yard. What tools do we have in place to counter whatever is going on wrong in Haiti?
Take a close look at yourself before embarking in state positions to simply result in deceptions.
Don't pay people to clap for you and use that as a free pass to hold this country back 100 more seconds.
Check yourself because you might carry in your vein the venin that's destroying this poor country.
I don't see why they should collide. They each can do their job respectively and if they both can deliver more power to beautiful HAITI read more >
Reginald Solon, 23-Jul-14 12:56 pm
While I don't suppose this question of wether Haiti needs tourism or does it need justice implies in any way or by any fragment of any one's... read more >
Bonito, 23-Jul-14 7:39 pm
Haiti needs both, and they are not related at all. read more >
Josy, 24-Aug-14 7:49 pm
I think that the question is that: Does Haiti need tourism or security? Without security or justice, tourism will remain a dream and never a... read more >
Franck, 24-Aug-14 8:28 pm
Mario Joseph and Stephanie Villedrouin shall not just contemplate holding these honorable titles and releasing speeches with no delivery. They shall... read more >
Franck, 24-Aug-14 8:48 pm
Please note that my previous post did not have anything to do with Mario Joseph and Stephanie Villedrouin. Their names just happenend to be in this... read more >
Franck, 24-Aug-14 8:59 pm
I think they should give the goverment a chance to improve themselves read more >
Azer, 26-Aug-14 4:46 pm
We do need a good system justice in the country,at the same times we do need tourist,because we us to have,so if today we have a gorvement ou plan... read more >