Kidnapping is only a fraction of all the crimes occurred in...
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Reply to Msg 12858
Kidnapping is only a fraction of all the crimes occurred in Haiti daily.
The propaganda machine fails to report daily crimes devouring the souls of Haitian families.
Everyone is too busy trying to make a few bucks even at the cost of their fellow citizen's heads as justice merely exists.
People get shot and killed everyday on their way home from the airport.
A Haitian-American woman from Boston took some time off from work to go take care of a property she owned there but she ended getting murdered after leaving the airport.
A 16 years old boy was coming back from a 2-week visit in Florida watched his luggage taken after a traffic stop and was shot to death in front of his mother.
Say what you want to say! Remember you do not have a conscious like most animals do. Picture yourselves as medieval monsters who live off the blood of innocent people.
Backward society!
Franck, August 24 2014, 8:13 PM
Topic: Haiti - Kidnapping Becoming a Thing of the Past
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