Tell that to the United Nations also who torture people there!
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Tell that to the United Nations also who torture people there!
Matilda, August 24 2014, 12:00 PM
Topic: Haiti Police Brutality - Policeman Runs to the United States to avoid prosecution, BIG Mistake...
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Nice that's good but when the United states is going to get martelly and lamothe.? read more >
Stef, 24-Aug-14 11:59 am
Tell that to the United Nations also who torture people there! read more >
Matilda, 24-Aug-14 12:00 pm
Yep way to go PM read more >
Jc, 24-Aug-14 1:51 pm
Its about time they get exposed. I was at the carnival in july I was ashamed to be Haitian. It's sad to see the lack of humanity within the police... read more >
Nathalie Mystila, 24-Aug-14 6:31 pm
Sometimes I wish I had either a Verrazano or a Brooklyn Bridge for sale to Haiti so we could cross the Atlantic ocean on foot. There would't even be... read more >
Bonito, 25-Aug-14 12:28 am
Good job for Laurent lamothe. read more >
Jonas, 25-Aug-14 7:34 am
I am agree if a peaceful citizen not a Trouble maker Whose create panics. Those people want to cover by the democratic law in order to fulfill their... read more >
Jean Baptiste, 25-Aug-14 6:43 pm
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