The Bigger Prison - It's about a Green Card

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I like to read things like that and someday I will read for my friends in Church, I live in RI... Thanks for sharing.... read more >
Topic, 18-Jul-03 10:22 am
than you for the poem. I am still in jail because I can't go to Haiti read more >
Topic, 21-Jul-03 5:19 pm
Honestly, that is the saddest but yet beautiful poem that i've read. Although, I am Haitian-American, but I feel like you're speaking for everyone... read more >
Topic, 25-Jul-03 2:50 pm
I was in those Barracks for 10 years. I was fianlly let out. I thank you for putting it on paper for all of us. I will print it too and show it to... read more >
Topic, 26-Jul-03 1:51 pm
Your poem describes my feelings completly.... Thanks You made my day!!!!! Feeling that I am not the only one!!! read more >
Topic, 7-Aug-03 9:23 pm
WOW, that was great poem. It’s also a message to those that have the privilege and abuse it. read more >
Topic, 4-Sep-03 1:39 pm
Thanks for this wonderful poem.It is realy sad.But the only thing missing in it, is the fact of why we are all still in jail on different ways here... read more >
Topic, 10-Nov-03 9:50 am
to my friend judy i worry about you i hope you are able to have a strong mind. we thought you would be home by now. my friend, your brother is... read more >
Topic, 24-Nov-03 12:31 am
The poem realy touches me,I am still in that green card jail and what is killing me inside, is that after four years of college in Haiti, I find my... read more >
Topic, 6-Dec-03 9:25 pm
There are a lot of people going through this right now. I really appreciate the poem it is heart felt. We has haitian people need to learn how to... read more >
Topic, 11-Dec-03 8:41 am
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