Haiti DEKOLE on ESPN - World Cup 2014 - Great news for both Haiti and J Perry
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Reply to Msg 12496
That is great news for both Haiti and J Perry.
I only hope that he gets paid for his art. There is a miriad of artistic expressions that can be exported or exploited by the rest of the world from Haiti and it's diaspora if you know where to look.
For example, I recently discovered the album of Ralph Conde where he put together some instrumental konpa music.
It is very appealing and you don't need to speak creole to appreciate the music.
Also, Nickenson Prud'homme has a song called Harmonick on one of his album that I can see play on rotation in the smooth jazz radio stations.
Go check it out!
Haiti is full of talented artists among them J Perry which makes us very proud to be Haitian.
Achille, June 4 2014, 9:34 AM
Topic: ESPN Picks "DEKOLE" by J. Perry for World Cup 2014 Soccer Broadcasts
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