After living in the US for so long and always have some type...
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Reply to Msg 12136
After living in the US for so long and always have some type of bills to take my income away, I'd vote for the Ti-machann a million times; given that it will equal much more in income with much less bills in Haiti.
Vlad, April 24 2014, 5:05 PM
Topic: Haiti - Business : The Employee vs the "Ti Machann"
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This is the never ending problem in Haiti: We put a negative spin on EVERYTHING that can be productive for us. While it's good to have a "chemiz nan... read more >
Jacques L, 3-Apr-14 12:51 pm
Machann ak 100 make money every minutes she make more money read more >
Daniel, 5-Apr-14 1:38 pm
After living in the US for so long and always have some type of bills to take my income away, I'd vote for the Ti-machann a million times; given... read more >
Vlad, 24-Apr-14 5:05 pm
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