It's unfortunate you feel that way. and if you do, you should...

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Reply to Msg 11911

It's unfortunate you feel that way. and if you do, you should not be even labeling yourself as a American Haitian.

Take the Haitian off because that is an insult to your parents or family members that are of haitian decent.

As for all Haitians should have died or whatever you wished for us. That was really an ignorant statement.

For if you knew of Haiti, you would not regard it in such a hateful fashion.

I guess you are being feed by what the media wants to show about Haiti.

A lot of children in the states are not taught about their history, about their culture and language.

Some parents don't even bother to teach them which is really unfortunate in itself because they are to busy working.

For when you don't know something for yourself, someone else can feed you whatever they deem is necessary for you to learn.

And that is what the media is good for when showing and relating to Haiti.

Yes, Haitians are proud despite every titles they attach to us, despite our challenges which we are working on. But that does not give any one the right to regard us in such a way. I for one, would never wish harm on a person, let alone a nation for that matter.

Priscilla Coquillon, March 22 2014, 5:37 PM

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Hatians rent cars they don't buy them. Plus when they try and talk to a girl they change there accent and say they are Jamaican so they won't scare... read more >
Ugly Hatian, 5-Feb-14 2:23 am
It's unfortunate you feel that way. and if you do, you should not be even labeling yourself as a American Haitian. Take the Haitian off because that... read more >
Priscilla Coquillon, 22-Mar-14 5:37 pm
you know someone is Haitian like your ass, when they claiming to hate Haitians and being "Americans" and cannot even spell a freaking english word... read more >
Haiti Haiti, 23-Sep-14 10:22 am
you know someone is Haitian like your ass, when they claiming to hate Haitians and being "Americans" and cannot even spell a freaking english word... read more >
Haiti Haiti, 23-Sep-14 10:22 am
You're so fuckin' retarted that you can't even spell "Puerto Ricans" right. You're a fuckin' dumbass who CLEARLY doesn't know any better, let alone... read more >
Clifton, 19-Jan-17 1:32 am
If thts what u think bout haitian. Ur litterally dead inside. Coon. read more >
Queeny, 29-Oct-17 11:54 pm
Mike Johnson,if that's your correct name before you you talk about anybody please get a dictionary also learn to read in the process you might learn... read more >
Civil Marie, 2-Aug-18 3:51 am
I agree 100%. I deal with them every week. They lie and steal from me every week. If I do t sell something to them for half of what I'm asking, they... read more >
Keith, 15-Sep-18 1:13 pm
Majority of Your haitians shouldn't be here in United States.They making too much chaos in community they exists. They don't have parking ticket... read more >
Chung, 1-Jun-21 7:06 pm
Stupid racist foreigner. You are not even American....What American culture? You are a bunch of hatemongers, you shouldn't have ben allowed in the... read more >
Ching, 24-Dec-22 11:37 am
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