Haiti Home Construction - The problem are not blocks but structure...

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Reply to Msg 8924

Hi there, I think the guy who wrote this article does not know anything about building a house.

First of all, my friend before talking about a topic you need to inform yourself about that subject.

Let me tell you my friend that in building structures, blocks do not have any role to play in the structure excepted sharing the house into many rooms.

All the structure sets on the reinforced concreted columns and beams.

If those elements are solids enough and if you manage well your soil for the basis of your house, you don`t need to be afraid about earthquake at all. The blocks you are talking about can be replaced by anything else to separate the house into rooms like cartoon, plywood etc. The huge problem we have in our constructions in Haiti is in most part of the case, the structure of the building are so weak that sometimes you need to count on the walls made in blocks to support some elements of the house.

Here is the mistake! But if all the columns and beams are well calculated (by a civil engineer of course) and reinforced by some others elements (transversal elements for wind and intermediate elements (ceinture in french) ) you don`t need to worry about any natural event like earthquake for example.

Be aware of what you say my friend because it could hurt the future of our country.

In Haiti, the engineers are well prepared (Faculté des sciences, chez Leconte, etc.) and know all of that...

Thank you very much for your understanding.


Marc Elie Ostainvil

Marc Elie Ostainvil, January 4 2014, 10:27 PM

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very good information thank you. at least we can try to built our houses like chili. earthquake proof. Thank you Woodrine read more >
La Foie L Amour Delivrance, 15-Jul-12 9:32 am
Thanks for this information I am planning to build a house in Haiti Do you have an idea where to buy the materials specially blocks William Thank you read more >
William, 1-Aug-12 8:12 pm
Hi there, I think the guy who wrote this article does not know anything about building a house. First of all, my friend before talking about a topic... read more >
Marc Elie Ostainvil, 4-Jan-14 10:27 pm


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