ONLY in Haiti - Un prisonnier sorti de prison pour participer a un concours de musique aux Cayes

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It is not nice thing to do if the prisoner is guilty of a serious crime such as: murder or rape. By the way they could do something like that in... read more >
Wilner Pierre, 11-Dec-13 5:08 pm
je ne suis pas d´accord avec toi, cela vient de passer en Republique Dominicaine, il y a a peine 2 mois, une prisoniere qui s´appelle Martha... read more >
Manu, 11-Dec-13 9:08 pm
There is nothing new about this. In other islands in the Caribbean, prisoners are allowed to participate in talks shows on several radio stations... read more >
David Grant, 11-Dec-13 10:33 pm
Si on a rapport positif de son temps incarserale, cela se peut mais dans le cas contraire: absurdite! read more >
Claude Beauciquot, 12-Dec-13 9:07 am


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