They are proposing to put a refinery on the only farmable land on the island.
The mountain highlands are too arid even for Jatropha.
The Oil refinery is being proposed less than 40 miles from the epicenter of the recent quake and right on the fault line. The proposed lakes would / could only be cisterns and be brackish as there are no rivers flowing there in the proposed location to provide water.
I know La Gonave
I love La Gonave
All these guys are proposing is an easy oil storage facility to fuel the ships going up and down to the Panama Canal.
The proposed "towns and villages" are vertical cliffs plunging into the ocean with only yards of beaches at most. Look at it on Google Earth!
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Subject: 48 Billion Dollar La Gonave Haiti Project - The proposed "towns and villages" are vertical cliffs plunging into the ocean with only yards of beaches edit
I would be VERY surprised to see this project go forward. It is one of a dozen I know of which have been stifled. Unfortunately Haiti is only open... read more >
John Rigdon, 10-Dec-13 9:54 pm
Have you been to La Gonave? They are proposing to put a refinery on the only farmable land on the island. The mountain highlands are too arid even... read more >
John Rigdon, 10-Dec-13 10:17 pm
Do you know why they need the Island of La Gonave, because of its resources. Namely Oil. 48 Billion may seem a lot yes, But in 10 20 years from now... read more >
Pris, 11-Dec-13 8:28 pm
My two cents to La Gonave Development. You are probably one of the most self-fish, idiotic, arrogance, neo-colonialist individual in North America... read more >
Lou, 30-Dec-13 7:13 pm
What is the status of this project right now? I haven't seen anything official since 2010. read more >
Rebecca Barnes, 27-Aug-14 7:32 pm
I think it is a great project for Lagonave but after developping Lagonave all from the mother land will migrate there and we will have a mess so we... read more >
Pierre, 25-Mar-15 6:54 pm
La Gonave Haiti is the Poorest area in the entire western world!! I fear that these unfortunate poeple are going to get screwed by Big Oil and etc!... read more >
Scott, 18-Jun-15 6:10 pm
I think this project will be a benefit from the island. I suppose it a good something to lagonave. read more >
Moise, 12-Jul-15 4:45 pm
i think thats a great idea to bring jobs and development to my country i agree and approve it i hope that the government sign it as fast as possible read more >
Celuxene Fortilien, 19-Feb-16 7:02 am
Capitalists do not want La Gonave out of love for Haiti.There is something there that makes it important to them otherwise in terms of long term... read more >