TOMS shoes in Haiti - Should I be happy or feel biter about this? Let me explain

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Reply to Msg 11364

Should I be happy or feel biter about this?

Let me explain.

I guess Haitians under thirty never knew the time when RUE MGR GUILLOUX between rue ST HONOrE and RUE DEHOUX, was like headquarter of family owned shoe factories and stores.

By this time Haiti used to export shoes to south American countries like Panama and others.

Surprised folks?

Ask your elders.

I rather feel sad about it. Those citizens from the middle working class did not rely on the wealthier class to survive.

They had their autonomy now they have to rely on foreign charity.


Patrick Gaspard, November 24 2013, 12:19 PM

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Should I be happy or feel biter about this? Let me explain. I guess Haitians under thirty never knew the time when RUE MGR GUILLOUX between rue ST... read more >
Patrick Gaspard, 24-Nov-13 12:19 pm


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