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You say:

vodou "one of the most organic and natural forms of spirituality!

What organic and natural forms of spirituality mean to?

My brother and sister in Christ, don't shut off your mouth about that situation, help me to fix the wicked.

How many of you Satan and the bad Angels already sucked your mother and father's blood and line them up to receive hell's punishment?

How many of you Satan and the bad Angels already sucked your children's blood including your whole family?

Don't be stupid, animal use these brains and listen to God about you, God already give us clean animals to eat (Leviticus 11 or Deuteronomy 14) why you take contract from Satan and eat the same human being like for money?

did free mason, lougaroup, zobop, chanpoel, sorcery, bokor, ougan, manbo die on the cross to save us?

Satan and the bad and angels make you eat caca including all kind of shit just to insult you and kill you, you're still blind because you reject Jesus-Christ: our savior; Satan and the bad Angels make you drink battery's acid including all kind of poisons just to harm you, even thou doctors, nurses false prophets fall in that hole because of rebellion against God. If I accuse Satan and the bad angels about everything they have already done to our grand parents including all our families, it will chock you so bad.

Getup, standup for Jesus, he can make you brand new again.

I don't lie on God's name, believe me I was a crack'smoker, weed'smoker, cigarette's smoker and alcohol drunker he cleanse me and I don't do it anymore what he can not do?

my friends don't let Satan and the bad Angels abuse you anymore, come back to our master, take God's embassy to be born again.

God bless you

Patrick Princivil, November 11 2013, 8:21 PM

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You say: vodou "one of the most organic and natural forms of spirituality! What organic and natural forms of spirituality mean to? My brother and... read more >
Patrick Princivil, 11-Nov-13 8:21 pm
Anthony is absolutely right. Even Socrates sacrified a cock before consulting the oracle. Speaking in trance, the Pythia was "chevauchee"... read more >
Herman, 12-Nov-13 4:50 am


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