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Is there a free trade agreement between Santo Domingo and Haiti? If there isn't, why the rum Bakara is allowed to enter Haiti? However, if the...
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David Grant, 5-Nov-13 10:33 pm
Business is business, Tonton Bicha did not do anything wrong; it's not like the product he advertised is illegal or anything. In the other hand...
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Sir Deuce, 5-Nov-13 11:35 pm
As far as it goes, Clairin should be named the Rhum Culturel d'Haiti. This rum has been in the voodoo rituals for centuries. If the ougans have now...
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David Grant, 6-Nov-13 5:56 am
I am an Actor having several degrees in Theater along with years of experience in the field, in different Countries. You must choose the work you...
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Maggy Gousse, 6-Nov-13 12:51 pm
Haitians must not trust things that come from Dominican Republique because they hate us. It's dangerous to buy things from people that hate you.
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Esdras, 6-Nov-13 5:29 pm
I was just thinking as everyone is judging this Artist and are very upset with his actions; I hope Haitians aren't upset with me because I mentioned...
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Maggy Gousse, 6-Nov-13 8:09 pm
Mwen tande anpil pale anpil kap fet sou publicite tonton Bicha fe pou rhum BAKARA ki ta vle fe kwe ke Bicha pa patriote et li ta derespekte religion...
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Robens, 9-Nov-13 9:08 am
mwen ta renmen konnen eske Barbancourt ka ale fe yon bagay consa sen domeng? Peye big papi Ortiz ou bien Alex Rodriguez pou al desan produit ak imaj...
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Max, 9-Nov-13 12:23 pm
Kilti peyi nou ankouraje pwodiksyon nasyonal se sa pou bicha a te teni kont anvan menm li aksepte pran remain yo pase dominiken pap fe nou fave saa...
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J N, 27-Aug-17 12:45 pm
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