Yes, we, Dominicans are very happy for the Wall!! Thank you...

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Reply to Msg 10933

Yes, we, Dominicans are very happy for the Wall!! Thank you Haiti! Just so Haitians Know...

we are no racist, we just became independent of you, we did something for ourself and now you guys want it. It not going to happen without lots of blood.

By the way, check yourself, you people...

NOBODY wants Haitians.

Every place you go you get send back. Why?

Maybe because you guys don't have any education, are sick, and don't have anything to offer other than cheap labor that at the end becomes more of a problem.

Please, we want you to be a civilized nation, with health, and education.

Work for that, and let the DR alone.

We don't want you NOT because of your color, we don't want you because with no offense, you guys are a problem in every aspect of the word.

Like I said, sick, no education, behave like savages, and nothing to offer...

let me put it like this...

if it was the other way around, what would you do?


Thank you.

Dr1, October 30 2013, 12:06 PM

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I really don't see the problem. Dominicans clearly don't like Haitians. And although I know things are not good at home, we cannot keep crossing... read more >
Damebochie, 15-Oct-13 10:08 pm
Yes, is a good news, but it violate our right read more >
Marie, 16-Oct-13 8:30 am
Every man is a king in his own house. Therefore, either you live with the fact that our nation in building a wall in and between Haiti and the DR or... read more >
Rich, 16-Oct-13 9:30 am
Very good idea. read more >
Roman Paul, 16-Oct-13 9:54 am
Where I can send money so the wall can be built in the entire border. And keep illegals on their side, like the USA and Mexico, like Israel and... read more >
Royese Of, 17-Oct-13 2:10 pm
Very good idea it's in haiti best interest. read more >
Wilson Boue, 24-Oct-13 8:51 pm
Yes, we, Dominicans are very happy for the Wall!! Thank you Haiti! Just so Haitians Know... we are no racist, we just became independent of you, we... read more >
Dr1, 30-Oct-13 12:06 pm
I don't know for Dominican Republic you guys do more dirty job in United States with no education no knowledge. Please muther f***er tell your... read more >
Andrew Samy, 31-Oct-13 10:00 pm
Pretty sure you got some dumb, stupid Dominicans... I see it all the time... But in general check our status in the Caribbean economically and so... read more >
Dr1, 1-Nov-13 11:47 am
To whom who wrote this message. Read your message again and again then tell me who is racist. In every country, society there are people less... read more >
Billy, 4-Nov-13 3:57 am
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