Send you a reply earlier, I think i should make myself...

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Reply to Msg 1340

send you a reply earlier, I think i should make myself clearer.

If you read my post I never said to give up Creole..

Creole is part of our culture it will stay so, but not an official language.

There is no standard in creole because mutiple caribbean countries speak different creole, Haiti is the closest to eatablish a standard, but haiti has no respect among caribbean because haiti is so poor, all they know is a never ending political fight with no clear vision, no end in sight..politik pa produi anyin..

se developmen economie yon peyi, epi permet pep la travay, manje ki vle di sispan fe politik,, an pratike la pe, ak diskite nan logic, san fache pou ti krik ti krak, rinmin youn lot pito konsa na vance..

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Topic: Do you consider Creole as a language?

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Language is a cultural bound means of exchanging thoughts,feelings,actions or lack of it by combining spoken words,gestures or written symbols used... read more >
Topic, 29-Mar-05 2:35 am
Hi my name is Nadege,I like my language. of course creolis considered as a language some haitian people dont like to speak creole when there are in... read more >
Topic, 29-Mar-05 1:36 pm
Oui je le considere comme une langue en partie.Parce que si deux personnes arrivent dans un hopital a port au prince si l'un s'exprime en francais... read more >
Topic, 30-Mar-05 1:14 pm
Not only the Haitian language is a language like any other language but it is a language with no prejudice and sexism. The next gorvernment who is... read more >
Topic, 30-Mar-05 7:48 pm
Since i got you right for you instead of speaking our own language which is Haitian,a country which is Haiti with our own constitutions and our own... read more >
Topic, 30-Mar-05 8:12 pm
Oui, je consideres creole comme une langage car c'est la langue que nous parlons en haiti c'est pas officiel mais c'est quand meme une langue. read more >
Topic, 31-Mar-05 1:35 pm
I am glad you checked out my comments, but unfortunately I desagree with your reply. You use a bunch of code rethorics that I heard haitian keep... read more >
Topic, 2-Apr-05 11:11 am
I love speaking creole. It is the only language I do not have to explain myself. Kreyol pale, Kreyol Konpran. I love it because one can express... read more >
Topic, 2-Apr-05 9:30 pm
send you a reply earlier, I think i should make myself clearer. If you read my post I never said to give up Creole.. Creole is part of our culture... read more >
Topic, 2-Apr-05 9:35 pm
yes i do consider creole as a language because it is our official language and our maternal language read more >
Topic, 5-Apr-05 6:25 pm
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