I dont care what the president in Haiti say they say they...
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Reply to Msg 10816
I dont care what the president in Haiti say they say they going to do for Haiti that's not true they only do it for port au prince only like port de paix is not Haiti fuck them politician in Haiti they all the same Haitian people no good thanks
Jean, October 5 2013, 5:46 PM
Topic: Ending Blackouts in Haiti - Electricite d'Haiti (EDH) Now Open to Investors
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It's a good idea. read more >
Marc, 28-Sep-13 1:11 pm
This is too good to be true read more >
Marie, 28-Sep-13 2:08 pm
Is not Natcom-Teleco a telephone company? Accordingly they would not have much experience in the field of production and distribution of... read more >
Gerard Pollas, 28-Sep-13 2:38 pm
I left Haiti in 1983. Blackout were rare. Cette situation de blackout a trop dure. Et ca m'a deja coute un xtra 1.000.00 $ pour une generatrice de 8... read more >
Lionel Vernet, 29-Sep-13 12:51 pm
Of course the country must be electrified. However, Natcom, Digicel and other foreign companies already in the Haitian market should not be given... read more >
Enzo, 29-Sep-13 9:39 pm
Sa bon lap bon ankor non, li te le e tan pou yo te fe sa. li supoze fet rapid san discussion. Aleluya read more >
Joe, 30-Sep-13 6:04 pm
I dont care what the president in Haiti say they say they going to do for Haiti that's not true they only do it for port au prince only like port de... read more >
Jean, 5-Oct-13 5:46 pm
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