I think you're sadly dreaming if you think that this 9 million dollar army has been resurrected just to fix the roads and play nice in Haiti.
You need to take a moment and review your notes on Haitian history and look at the fact that we have a right wing regime in power with advisers from the Duvalier regime.
This isn't the Haitian Army Corp of Engineers but a simple ploy to keep the tensions down at the onset of this unpopular plan. I can think of two dozen ways to spend 9Million dollars in the poorest country in the Americas.
The last thing we need is a military.
The last thing we need is MINUSTAH.
But, when Haitians start taking to the streets in numbers like we saw in Egypt then a military force will have to engage them and this military will be prepared with brute force and tear gas. Ready and willing.
I think you're sadly dreaming if you think that this 9 million dollar army has been resurrected just to fix the roads and play nice in Haiti. You... read more >
Frantz Lubin, 19-Sep-13 10:35 am
May this army don't change in kidnapping, chime, loup-garou, zobop, free-mason, tonton makoutes, bizango. Pou kisa nap anmekde bouda nou konsa a? read more >
Patrick Princivil, 19-Sep-13 12:29 pm
That's pretty much an execellent idea to create an army of professional, because technical skills are what the country needs for this moment. Along... read more >
Olgy, 20-Sep-13 10:58 am
A mon avis, le President aurait cree une force transitoire (la police militaire) pour une periode d une annee au plus, avant d avoir entame une... read more >
Bouger, 22-Sep-13 3:12 pm
I don't know anything about Nation Building, but I know about a professional Army, so they can build bridge, roads, and to develop the country into... read more >
Calixte Guerrier, 24-Sep-13 11:08 am
Haiti doesn't need an army but a well trained police force. Instead of spending money on an army, the government should hire the labour force to... read more >
Gerda Tuck, 28-Sep-13 12:56 pm
I cant understand why some of country don't like Haitian army. For my answer, yes we need Haitian army we don't like army from another country... read more >