We are in the last days, and JESUS CHRIST is coming back very...
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Reply to Msg 10437
We are in the last days, and JESUS CHRIST is coming back very soon. My favorite chapter in the bible is Matthew 24, and all the prophecies came to pass already.
Please read your bible, confess your sins, and The King is on his way. There are a lot of different chatters about new world order, mark of the beast, and other stories.
This present pope is suppose to be the last one, and a book just came out about it "Petraeus Romanus".
Malachi prophesized hundred of years about all popes, and he is pretty accurate.
READ the book of Revelation, and Matthew 24 for the answers to all your questions.
Li Revelation, et Mathieu 24. La fin du monde est proche, et JESUS CHRIST est en route.
Josy, July 6 2013, 11:20 PM
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