GOUD Vs. DOLA - The price of commodities in Haiti
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Reply to Msg 10417
It should not be up to the merchants nor the little man in the street to determine the price of commodities in the country.
The government should institute a price control to avoid trading chaos.
The exchange rate vis-a-vis the United States dollar and the Haitian gourde should be strictly maintained.
Dav Id Grant, June 29 2013, 12:06 AM
Topic: Haitian Currency: GOUD vs DOLA There's a real Money Problem in Haiti!
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Bagay sa komanse depi le li te konn ekri sou kob an papye nou ke 5 gdes egal 1 dola US. Donk, ke li 5 gdes, ke li yon dola US, Haitiens te toujou di... read more >
Raynald Delerme, 28-Jun-13 7:32 pm
En tant qu'etranger je ne suis pas a l'aise avec le gourde lorsque je vais en Haiti je souhaite qu'Haiti imprime une nouvelle devise qui serais plus... read more >
Normand Trudel, 28-Jun-13 8:11 pm
when I lived in Haiti it was an even exchange! long time ago. read more >
Lynne, 28-Jun-13 9:52 pm
You only hit HALF the problem: Gen "Dola HT" epi gen "DOLA US". Sometimes, if you're not used to it, you US dollars for something that is worth 7... read more >
Jacques L, 28-Jun-13 9:54 pm
It should not be up to the merchants nor the little man in the street to determine the price of commodities in the country. The government should... read more >
Dav Id Grant, 29-Jun-13 12:06 am
Good point, ain't really nothing much left to say, you said it all. read more >
Rich, 29-Jun-13 10:18 am
mwen pa we pou ki sa nou gen pwoblem avek dola a, aprann miltipliye par 5 pou nou mete dola an goud. si machan nan di ou 40 dola alor li vle di w... read more >
Kreyolman, 29-Jun-13 7:15 pm
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