Dear friend: You don't need to be an economist to make logic...
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Dear friend:
You don't need to be an economist to make logic.
It's clear if there is less laziness in our country, people used our land to work and stop moving around, they would have more products and won't need to buy everything from the D.R. Maybe our dollar would be at least be back to what is was before.
Vanina, June 12 2013, 4:19 PM
Topic: Haitian Money - Why has the Haitian currency depreciated so much in value?
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Dear friend: You don't need to be an economist to make logic. It's clear if there is less laziness in our country, people used our land to work and... read more >
Vanina, 12-Jun-13 4:19 pm
I am not sure if that can help at all, but perhaps adopting the U.S. currency might help. After all, we spend in $US dollars to buy most of our... read more >
Dambochie, 12-Jun-13 7:28 pm
se sa'm ta di tou! read more >
Reynald St Fleur, 12-Jun-13 10:09 pm
Hum! get rid of the gourdes and replace it with the US $? Now how many Haitians out of the 12 millions had access to the US $? at one point it was... read more >
Stew, 20-Jun-13 6:16 pm
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