The very first time I ever traveled to Haiti was in the summer...
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The very first time I ever traveled to Haiti was in the summer of 2007. I booked a room at the Kinam and even took a few days to visit Kaliko Beach Hotel.
I stayed for two weeks and had the best time of my life. I meet a few nice people who have remained my friends up to today.
When I came back from Haiti, I met a Haitian minister in Washington, DC and I told him that I just came from his beautiful country.
He asked me, "Oh, are you a missionary?" and I said "No", wondering why he would ask me that. Then he said, "Oh, you are a nurse!" and again I was puzzled and said "No".
He than looked at me for a long time and said, "Why did you go to Haiti then?" and I said, "I was on vacation." Everyone started to laugh ...
I was totally confused now! I didn't know much about Haiti and that was probably a good thing.
Maybe, if I had listen to the media, I would have not gone but I'm so happy I went. I went back just four months later because, I'm a teacher, and I was asked to teach a class on leadership.
I did and I learned so much from my students.
I also learned that the school I taught at needed books, so I started bringing books until the many books turned into a little library called Haiti Reads.
And then, I fell in love, not only with the country, but with a man. So, now I love not only Haiti the country but also my very loving Haitian husband who I would never have met if I had not gone to Haiti on VACATION!
Jeanette, May 24 2013, 1:35 PM
Topic: Voluntourism: Not What Haiti is looking for... Come have a good time!
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