Most Haitian women I talk to want a bigger butt and a flat stomach - What's up with that?
Most Haitian I talk to want a bigger butt and a flat stomach, they don't care about their weight or how much fat is stored in their body. I meet women who say they want to loose weight but they don't want to loose their butt. What's up with that?
Walking 30 minutes a day can help you lose weight
It's funny, Men have a problem with their beer belly and women have no problem with bigger hips and butts
Fore your information, men and women store fat differently. Did you know that?
Women tend to store their fat in their hips, buttocks, thighs, and lower abdomen. Men on the other hand store excess fat in the upper body, especially in the abdominal region. Read more from
Many Haitian women don't care how big their fat storage gets as long as it is not in their stomach. LOL
This brings me to the next question: Do you know what your Body Mass Index (BMI) is?
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