True or False? Haitians in Haiti get MORE Sleep than Haitians in the Diaspora
Sleeping : Getting a good night sleep is more important than you think
The first time I came back to Haiti after 17 years living in the United States I thought my family in Haiti slept way too much but later I realize it was I who was not getting enough sleep...
Yes, it was a crazy experience for me...
I spent all my life in the USA sleeping late at night and waking up early in the morning than suddenly, I found myself in Haiti and... Everyone in the house was in bed by 8:00pm... WHAT???
I had no choice but to go to sleep...
I woke up three of four times that night wondering when it's gonna be morning...
The average Haitian get about 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night, that's if they live in Haiti. In the Diaspora, it's a different story...
To my friends in the diaspora, you need to find some time to sleep, it's really good for you... When you don't sleep enough, it affect the way you feel.
According to, adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and more.
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All Comments (5)
When I am in Haiti, I do sleep more and better.
I am in the States.
Never slept three hours
Ayiti moun yo pap travay vre! Nan leta se vakans nan chwal papa, prive anpil kote se moun ap kan menm! Pa genyen anyen ki louvri 24h tan nan peyi - Pa genyen bon jan evalyasyon anploye! Ayiti kote moun ap signen pou lot sak nan plaj! Yo genyen tan pou yo domi, anfante, ranse, tyanse e repoze sou transfe diaspora.
Menm gro ofisyel ki touche per diem se nan basement moun yo desann epi yap mande bo
Depi wap tann la mann di syel tombé pou ou se normal pou gin bon
Of course yo pap travay yo fe plis timoun tou ke Haitien lan
My friend you are completely right same thing happened to me in Haiti last summer.
My worst nightmare was when to go to sleep at night just like you said between 8-9pm everybody went to sleep.
It was very painful for me at night in Haiti.I'm so glad because I thought I was the only one who felt like that. Respe pou
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