Tips for Storing Your Vitamins: Not in the Kitchen, NOT in the bathroom!
If you are like me, you store your vitamins in the kitchen cabinet or in the bathroom. I just found out, these are the two worse places to store your vitamins and supplement.
Vitamin Supplements: Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C, Calcium with Vitamin D
The best way to store your vitamins is to keep them away from humidity and heat.
Storing your vitamins in the kitchen is not an ideal location, neither is the bathroom, because these rooms have higher level humidity and heat levels than any other rooms in the house.
It is recommended that you keep your vitamins and supplements in a bedroom drawer or linen closet. These are the best places to keep them if you want to preserve the strength of these vitamins.
I know the kitchen and bathroom is convenient but it's not the recommended place to store vitamins.
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