There is a danger in eggs kept in direct sunlight, Haitian consumers beware!
The majority of eggs being imported into Haiti are shipped and maintained in a condition that may be dangerous to Haitian consumers. Read this...
Back in February 2014, the British Egg Industry Council wrote to leading butchers organizations to warn them of the dangers of displaying eggs in shop windows.
"Fluctuating temperatures are likely to lead to degradation of the quality of eggs kept in direct sunlight," the article read in
But that's not all...
"If eggs containing salmonella," a food poisoning bacteria that can kill you, "are stored incorrectly, this will lead to the salmonella present multiplying rapidly, which increases the health threat to consumers."
Everytime a Haitian dies, they blame the boogeyman (lougarou) but that's not always the case my Haitain consumers.
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