Haiti President Martelly enjoying Kanaval des Fleurs
See all the Haiti Carnaval des Fleurs - day 3 here...
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All Comments (12)
Mewn realize ke ou pa we anyin nan anyin si-w ka poze keksyon sou jou va jou vyen. dapre ou, ou panse ke ayiti gen yon lide kap dirije-l. wap konn george, nou fek kare nan zen. Materly ap fe sa yo dil fe e pi, nou menm nou nan tout sa ki pabon.
Fe yon ti chache sou intenet pou we sa kap fet ayiti.
The bible explain to us clearly at the end of the time, the nation will become God's enemy, they will like (rara, dance, plaisure etc) more than God, that's why anytime I see anything doesn't look right, I attack.
You talking about kanaval des fleurs, I am born Haiti, 1961 my friend.
I've never seeing the Hatian government celebrated kanaval des fleurs in Haiti.
In my heart when somebody talk about kanaval in Haiti, I know. What that's mean Satan and the bad angels' s deception, if I am wrong forgiveme.
Why is not something about
You seems not to understand what you were saying on your previous message.What you need to do is to re-visite your previous message and if you're not ashame of it then you are not a man. Every country has problem, but that doesnt mean when it comes to our haiti we just want to wish bad for the land. Haiti is a rich and beautiful country, but people like you would pray for the yanks to leave it alone.
I believe Martelly will not suck Haiti the way the thieves Presidents rob Haiti.
But he has to know. If he takes any contract from Satan and the bad Angels.
He will have to do what the demons ask him to do against the nation of Haiti.
No body will be able to help Haiti without God in heaven.
May God bless you my
Kanaval des fleurs,
understand that, if I don't remind Martelly and his disciples about Juanary/12/2010 and more, they will think Haiti is a game anybody can come at anytime and play with it. You can see from 2008-2012, if we don't shout heavy bullets like that on them, they will come back and forth on the throne of Haiti, using sweet words to show the nation of
OK, "Carnaval des fleurs" in itself is not a bad thing.
People get to dress up or down, dance in the streets with good music in an upbeat mood. The carnaval could be considered as a form of advertisement geared mainly to the Haitian Diaspora...
It takes money to make money.
Listen my friend,
I don't curse Haiti, I give Michel Martelly a warning.
I am born in Haiti from July/1961, I know what Carnaval mean; instead of throwing money in the garbage Carnaval, why he doesn't feed the poor with that money?
Mr. Princivil
It is shameful to see how hated Haiti is, even by its own citizen.
How does that make feel sir, when cursing the land from which you were born?
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