Haitian shoppers, are you spending more or less these days?
Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, And Quarters
Times are tough these days but some of us have no choice but to continue spending more money than we actually make.
They say when you realize that you are digging a hole for yourself, the first thing to do is stop digging. However, when it comes to financing and saving money, most of us are simply unable to disconnect the cable, settle for a cheaper cell phone plan, or do little things here and there to keep some money in the bank.
So let me ask you this question: What are you doing in your household to save money? What are you doing to avoid giving it all back to the man?
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All Comments (2)
I think that if you're working/living in Haiti now and you want to enable the entrepreneurial spirit to grow, you should be paying very close attention to what the poorest and lower middle class citizens are spending their money on. This kind of data lets you identify business opportunities and badly needed trends.
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