Haiti Fashion - Kenneth Cole Opens First HAITI Boutique in PetionVille
PHOTO: Haiti - Kenneth Cole Boutique - Kinam Plaza, PetionVille
Kenneth Cole posted on his twitter page Wednesday: "Off on a Humanitarian trip to #Haiti w/ some inspiring associates (And to open a KC store while there). "
The Haitian government is very happy of this grand opening of a designer clothing store in Haiti.
A note from Haiti National palace communications bureau reads:
"The opening of a store of international brand Kenneth Cole in Haiti demonstrates the palpable impact of the efforts by the Martelly / Lamothe Government to attract foreign investment in the country.
Here is a photo of Clothing Designer Kenneth Cole and Haiti President Michel Martelly
What do you think about that?
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All Comments (9)
What could be better than Kenneth Cole fashion in an environment of ignorance due to no education, abject poverty due to indifference, lack of electricity, lack of health and security with corrupt and improvised governance, a judicial system in shambles along with a disappearing legislative represetation and so forth and so on...?
I suppose this is just what those hungry Haitians need, some fashion and style a la Kenneth
What could be better than Kenneth Cole fashion in an environment of ignorance due to no education, abject poverty due to indifference, lack of electricity, lack of health and security with corrupt and improvised governance, a judicial system in shambles along with a disappearing legislative represetation and so forth and so on...?
I suppose this is just what those hungry Haitians need, some fashion and style a la Kenneth
What could be better than Kenneth Cole fashion in an environment of ignorance due to no education, abject poverty due to indifference, lack of electricity, lack of health and security with corrupt and improvised governance, a judicial system in shambles along with a disappearing legislative represetation and so forth and so on...?
I suppose this is just what those hungry Haitians need, some fashion and style a la Kenneth
What could be better than Kenneth Cole fashion in an environment of ignorance due to no education, abject poverty due to indifference, lack of electricity, lack of health and security with corrupt and improvised governance, a judicial system in shambles along with a disappearing legislative represetation and so forth and so on...?
I suppose this is just what those hungry Haitians need, some fashion and style a la Kenneth
This is great news, thanks for always keeping us up to date, however when you post things that are specific you have to make sure it all corroborate.
The picture attached to this story did not match.
President Martelly is not in that picture with Kenneth Cole, just be careful because people will say if you're not honesty in one picture, then what else....
just saying, as a reader.
Once more, thank you so
Great news -please help the young people in Haiti by giving them
Great job and let's keep moving forward.
I love their items, the rich Haitians can go spend more
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