Are You Embarrassed When You Have To Pay With Nickels and Dimes?
Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, And Quarters
"Ooops... Mwen bliye bous mwen lakay la..."
Yep... I left my wallet at home!
I had two options:
1 - Go home and get it (I would not come back, believe me) or...
2 - Count all the pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters in my car to see it it added up to $8.50 LOL...
W-ap ri? Ou poko tande anyen!
So I go to my car, pull open the ashtray (my little coin bank) and started counting.
By the time I went through all the quarters, I barely had $4.00...
As I sit there counting the dimes and nickels, I look over on the on the passenger side... epi... mwen wen yon dam, men nan machwe... Lap gade yon neg nan yon Mercedes kap kontrole pennies... Ahhhh... LOL (translation: I saw a woman with her hand on her face staring at me in my Mercedes Bens counting pennies)
Gen toujou wi... There's more...
About 15 quarters, 43 Dimes, many nickels, and lots of pennies later... I finally came up with $8.50... Time to pay for the food...
I walk to the counter and told the waitress I found the money...
As I lay the pile of change on the counter... one of the male customers screamed: "O... O... Non Cherie... Avan-w konte kob sa-a... Kite-m peye avan... pase mwen-m prese..."
I had to sit there in shame, explaining to everyone who was looking at me funny that "Mwen bliye bous mwen..." (I forgot my wallet at home) as I make little piles of quarters (4 each), dimes (5 each) etc... so to make it easy for my favorite Haitian waitress to count the entire $8.50 before handing me my Diri ak Legumes.
So now that you know how what happened to me and my pile of coins... Let me ask you again?
Would you embarrassed if you had to pay with nickels and dimes?
Would you go all the way home to get your wallet if you have 8 dollars and 50 cents worh of quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies in the car?
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All Comments (19)
truthfly, money is money if it wasn't worth anything the government would have bann it from the public to use. i went to haiti last summer in july, i was going to church, my mother told make sure ou pran kob pou ou bay nan ofrande.
i took a 1gourde the coins when i came back from church they asked me how much did i took i said on gourde omg they made fun of me honestly if it wasn't good enough they would not use it
I don't usually comment on the things you post, but this one is hilarious!
Shame on the lady that was looking at you funny in the other car...
But if I were in your shoes I would have done the samething.
Sometimes I do feel embarrassed paying with change though that I can
whooooo reading this story had me crying laughing.
I had to send this to other ppl bc it was just to funny.
I must admit that I would have been a little embarrassed but it wouldnt have stopped me from paying with coin. The only time i refuse to pay with coins is when im leaving a tip. I just feel thats soo
I Think money is money.and i would never feel embarasedd to count my nickles & dimes.
Of course people will always look at you funny the minute you say that you forgot you wallet at home.
it's hard for them to beleive you .but the fact remains that you came back and
Oh my God, it's look like you're talking about my sad experience! The other day, after a hard double shift in my job, one of my kids called me and asked to get some milk, before I get home I went a supermarket and didn't have enough money, went back to my gloves compartment to find some change, it was about $5.75 between quarters dimes and nickels, the guy first of all ask me if I can count the changes and I said "Oh yes, no problem! By the time he keep serving people and when it came to my turn, he said "I'm gonna take the change but next time when you have so many changes bring them to a bank, because it take me a long time." And my answer was :se la-a yo banmwen yo, se la-a pou-m sevi ak yo.e-m m'pa kon-n fe lajan se pitit m'kon-n fe. so Idon't feel embarrasse at all map pito kase met nan men
lol...every cents counts...I would be embarrassed at first but hey we are in a recession...please it could of been
Let me tell you my friend business is business, the other ethnic groups that I mentioned early would act differently, that one of the reason make them the most powerfull, because they know how to treat customer, its not because they like the customers, but they know how to do bussiness in order to take the money from the customers.once you doing bussines there no such thing like"time consuming" the customers always has priority, because without the customer you will be out of business.Whatever;pennies, nickels,quarters, dimes all are money, show the customer you appreciate the fact they're take service from your
It's really funny...
but I wont be embarrassed! It's not a shame to pay with pennies, dimes or quarters,(I agree, it takes a while to count them) but its a shame to say " I have no money".
At least you can pay the food as you
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