A Haitian Teacher says: I am educating the children of others while I cannot pay for my own child's education
PHOTO: Teaching in Haiti - A Haitian school teacher teaching a in a classroom
In a firm tone of voice, on the radio program RAMMASSE, hosted by Jean Monard Metellus on Radio Caraibes which aired live Saturday, 02 Sept 2017 in Verrettes Haiti where Senator Latortue was a panelist, Paulette let out her frustation which represents the frustration of most public school teachers in Haiti:
"As a teacher, it is a real shame the way the Haitian state (l'Etat Haitien) chooses to treat teachers in this country," Paulette said. "They treat us like crap (yo pa gade nou pou anyen)"
"With all the commotion about school kits, where is our school kit?" she said addressing to senate president Latortue and president Jovenel Moise. "By that I am not asking for a cheap note book or a cheap school bag that won't last a month. pay me the money you owe me for the years that I have been teaching!"
"We have children to send to school too. We have to take care of ourselves. Teaching is a very demanding job. My children go to the same school where I teach. I have to pay for their tuition while I myself have not been paid for years."
"Teachers can't even buy credit in the communities where they leave because our creditors already know we cannot pay they them back."
"It is not a favor that I am asking," she said to Senator Youri Latortue, "I am asking the government to give me money that is due to me. We teachers, we know what to do with money too."
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All Comments (1)
Un enseignant haïtien dit: j'enseigne les enfants d'autrui alors que je ne peux pas payer l'éducation de mon propre enfant.
Un professeur d'école haïtien, Paulette Dorsilome, de Verrettes a dit au sénateur Youri Latortue samedi que les enseignants des écoles publiques doivent recevoir le paiement de ce qui leur est dû par l'état.
Dans un ton de voix ferme, sur le programme de radio RAMMASSE, animé par Jean Monard Metellus sur Radio Caraibes qui a diffusé en direct samedi 2 septembre 2017 à Verrettes Haïti, où le sénateur Latortue était un paneliste, Paulette a laissé tomber sa frustration qui représente la frustration de la plupart Professeurs d'écoles publiques en Haïti:
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