Mirebalais Haiti, Home of The Largest Solar Powered Hospital In The World
Solar Panels on the Roof of Mirebalais University Hospital in Haiti
Kote-w gen tan pou-w li tout bagay sa yo pitit? Se mwen-k pou di-w... LOL...
The 205,000-square foot, 300-bed Mirebalais hospital has 1,800 solar panels on its roof.
1,800 solar panels... How much electricity can you produce with that?
Let me tell you...
A recent article from Partners in Health mentioned that the hospital's solar system is producing a whopping 139 megawatt hours of electricity, enough to charge 22 million smartphones, the article says, and lot more then the hospital needs to function.
The Mirebalais hospital is giving in ways no one expected... All that excess electricity that it produces is being fed back into Haiti's national grid.
Yes Man! They even have a cure for EDH...
Olye EDH bay lopital la kouran, se lopital la ki bay EDH kouran wi... LOL... Ou konprann?
Wow... That's another first for Haiti, a country with an abundance of sunshine and where, unfortunately, that sunshine is not being used to its full potential.
Pou jan do morne Haiti yo kale... Si yo te mete de twa mil solar panels sou chak tet monn sa yo, pa tap gen pann kouran an Haiti non...
Kisa-m konnen pitit... menm ekri m-paka ekri byen!
EDH prennez note!
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All Comments (10)
Sa a bon wi! Moin toujou di, si Eta Zini te' gin soley Ayiti, li tap mete' li nan bouteille epi li vann li. ha
I am a Medsurge Nurse and an OR nurse and PD, how can I get a job
bravo pou tout moun ki te kontribye pou ke pwoje lopital sa vinn yon
Paul Farmer and his wife you have the biggest heart On the earth, and patners and health has a good way to serve people and expose their Vision, Haiti
Thank you
Felicitation pou premye ekip kite pran uniciative saa (Mayer Lochard).
Poukisa responsab HUM bezwen sevi ak EDH energy for?
Eske sepa yon gaspiyaj?
Eske se paske responsable HUM yo gen volonte pou exploite energy solar?
I am proud of
At last some good news about our beloved Haiti...
Mezanmi si nou te ka fe yonn konsa nan chak depatman a la kontan mwen ta kontan...
Go Mirebalais...
Congratulations Partners in Health.
Kenol Aris, MS
President of
I greet this good action, our country needs.
Let's work to the security so we can have more hospital in our "andeyò"
Lopital Mirebalais-a louvri pot li oficyelman 28 Avril 2013.
The American Red Cross proudly joins Partners In Health in celebrating the opening of their landmark health center in Haiti, the Mirebalais University Hospital.
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