Haitians on Broadway? Are There Any?
Haitian Tourist in New York City
Guilty... Guilty... Oh, I'm so Guilty...
LOL.. I am not trying to make you feel bad... I myself am feeling very guilty right now...
Can you believe this? I grew up in New York but I have never been on Broadway.
My only experience as far as Broadway stage talent is concerned is playing the role of a shoeshiner at the salle paroissiale in Hinche in a boy scout talent show.
Wouldn't it be nice to not only see a Live Broadway show but to actually see a Haitian actor in it?
I have a surprise for you... I will tell you all about it tomorrow!
NOW... The question:
- Have you ever seen a Broadway show?
- Do you know of any Haitians on Broadway?
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All Comments (5)
Goodmorning I congratulate you for your work in haïti.Im Marie Louise Pierre, I studied accounting and I registered to work as a manager in a complex while 2 years.
I love working but sometimes it's not easy to find, I'd like to work for you, thank you already, have a good day, may God bless
wow. keep up the good work buddy!!! also thanks for keeping me update with all the crazy haitian news Lol...
love my people
Yes i have seen a Broadway show. But
i do not know any Haitien on broadway.
Maybe there
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