Mirebalais Haiti
Mirebalais is a city in the center Department of Haiti. Coming from Port-au-Prince Haiti, Mirebalais is like a crossroad that you reach before you decide which way you want to go.
Mirebalais is midway between Hinche if you want head to the north Department, Belladere if you're heading to the Dominican border, Pont Sonde if you're heading to the artibonite region, and Haiti's capital port-au-prince if you want to head back to the southern side of the country.
Bill Gates visited Haiti more than once, did you know that?
Did you Know? Microsoft founder Bill Gates visited Haiti back in February 2014 and apparently it was not the first time he went to Haiti. more »February 22, 2014 8:38 AM
"Mirebalais tounen Grand Ravine," Mirebalais Haiti loses its reputation
A group of women from the Centre department of Haiti are assembled in a beauty salon complaining about how much they are affraid to go through Mirebalais, a city they must go through to reach Port-au-Prince. more »December 6, 2019 2:16 PM
Haiti - Protesters in Mirebalais Haiti decide to cut off power lines going to Hinche and Haut Pateau Central
FLASH: Protesters in Mirebalais, Centre Haiti, have decides to cut off the electric power lines going to Hinche and the Haut Plateau Central region because, according to a radio journalist, the citizens of the Haut Plateau Central refuse to protest. more »February 11, 2019 11:42 AM
Haitian Artist Jean Jean Roosevelt Under Attack in Mirebalais Haiti
An SOS from Artist Jean Jean Roosevelt went out to Haitian police via social media begging for help: "Au secours police National d'haiti, je suis entre Mirebalais et la Chapelle, des gangs armés ont bloqués la route et séquestrés ma voiture," Roosevelt tweets... more »May 14, 2014 4:16 PM
Mirebalais Haiti Solar-Powered University Hospital Now Open
On May 24 2013, Partners in Health posted on their website that the University Hospital in Mirebalais, Haiti, had already reached 4,239 registered patients as of May 3rd. more »May 30, 2013 7:34 AM
Mirebalais Haiti, Home of The Largest Solar Powered Hospital In The World
You probably heard that Partners in Heath built a new hospital in Mirebalais Haiti but did you know that the Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais (HUM) is the world's largest solar-powered hospital? more »May 3, 2013 3:42 PM
Mirebalais Haiti - Eighty Dollars for One Gallon of Gasoline
Gasoline is like gold in Haiti these days. I arrived in Mirebalais Haiti last night with a car almost out of gas. I had to pay $20 U.S. for two gallons of gasoline. more »April 11, 2013 7:32 PM