Haitian Holidays

Latest news & top stories about Haitian Holidays, The Haitian Internet Newsletter. Read the following articles about Haitian Holidays


Party is over, time to get back to work!

I hope all went well for your Holiday season. As for me, things could've been better but can be I can't complain. more »

Traveling during the holidays? Hope you made your travel plans early

Many people travel during the Holidays to spend some time with family and friends. Haitians in the Diaspora often travel to Haiti for the Holidays but travelimg this time of year can cost you a lot of money, especially if you did not make your reservations early. more »

Haitians in the Diaspora tend to gain weight during the Holidays!

Christmas in Haiti From Thanksgiving in November to Soup Joumou day, January first, many Haitians in the Diaspora tend to gain some weight during the holidays from eating all that delicious foods and holiday treats. more »

Are Haitian politicians being paid to destroy our National Holidays, a Haitian asks on Social Media

Mad Haitian This is what all Haitian holidays have become lately, including Christmas and New Year: a day of protest, manifestation and revolution. One Haitian asks on social media: Are Haitian Politicians being paid to destroy our National Holidays? more »

Message for the New Year 2019

I wanted to take this moment to wish you a Happy New Year 2019. I will be drinking my Soup Joumou this year on the countryside South of Haiti. News reporting will resume second week of January. more »

Cremas: Haiti's Holiday Beverage - It's like eggnog but a million times better, author said

Cremas (Kremas or Cremasse) - Delicious Haitian Holiday beverage What a way to describe Cremas... I love this delicious Haitian Holiday beverage but I don't think I could've came up with a better description more »

It's Christmas season in Haiti and I am not in a Holiday mood, Are you?

Christmas in Haiti Can you believe this? I've only spotted one Christmas tree in the city of Hinche Haiti where I live. It's at my cousin's beauty salon. Of course there are no wrapped gift boxes beneath it... more »

Christmas in Haiti - My goodness, Christmas is here already here... Christmas songs are playing on Haitian radio

Christmas in Haiti I am sitting here listening to the neighbors radio, an old school Haitian Christmas song is playing and, already, I am in the mood for the Holidays. more »

Haiti Fin d'Annee 2015, Lajan pa Sikile, Pa gen Bwas nan Lari a, Anpil moun ap Plenyen Razeur...

1 Gourde : Haitian Paper Currency, five of these were once worth US dollar Pou fin d'année 2015 la en Haiti, anpil sitwayen nou rankontre ap plenyen, lajan pa sikile nan lari a, pa geyen anpil echange ki ap fèt, pa gen bwas nan lari la... Anpil moun ap plenyen razeur... more »

Poisson D'Avril - April Fools Day Pranks

Poisson d'Avril - April Fools Day Poisson d'Avril --- April Fools Day used to be fun when I was growing up but do you know where it came from? FIRST let me tell you where it came from and then... I am going to give you some good poisson d'Avril - April Fools Day Pranks - to try on your family and friends today... more »