The Morning Star, it Reminded me of my Grand Mother in Haiti
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Growing up in Hinche Haiti, I used to love the mornings when Grann Adrienne agreed to take me with her to the country side (ANDEYO).
Yeah... Labeg... Near Hinche... I have so much memories of that place... One of these days I will share some of the stories with you...
Grann Adrienne never owned a watch, I never understood how she did it but she would wake up DOUVANJOU, take one look at the sky, and she knew exactly what time it was.
We would wake up right before sunrise, walk to Labeg, JANBE 2 PAS DLO, and arrive right in time for the morning coffee... Marenn Lolotte made the best coffee...
Have you ever been to a KONBIT?
Have you ever eaten MAYI MOULEN ak PWA JE NWA on a FEY BANNANN using a MOSO TASH as a spoon in the middle of the JADEN?
Grann Adrienne used to bring ASYETs for us but why would I eat in a plate when all the JOUNALYEs are eating on FEY BANNANN???
"Banm manje-a nan FEY BANNANN nan grann," I would say!
LOL... Boy... If you are Haitian and you've never been to the country side, let's just say, there's so much you don't know about Haiti... Honestly... You don't miss Haiti as much as I miss Haiti!
I used to forge little knives out of any little piece of metal I could fine so that I could KALE my MANGO when I get to Labeg... I used to get my FISTIBAL ready although I always missed the ZOTOLANs (Common Ground Dove) and the PIPIRITs (Grey Kingbird) by a few yards... I was a terrible CHASSEUR (Hunter)
Where do you think I got my creativity from?
Playing video games?
Watching television?
Nahhh... I wasn't so fortunate or should I say... Thank God!
Growing up in the countryside of Haiti... Seeing as far as the eye can see... Not being distracted by man-made creations... It does something to you... It kind of takes you out of the box if you know what I mean... That is... If you are the type who sees the glass as half full...
If you are a pessimist then it don't matter... Everyday is dooms day to you anyway...
Kids these days are so busy playing video games, texting, and watching the Disney channel and The Cartoon Network that they have lost their ability to be creative.
Where do you think I got my business attitude from?
Mwen te konn BOSKE PITIMI pou-m voye vann NAN BOUK... Ah Hahhh... It was a hell of a lot more lucrative than begging my mom for 10 KOB when I was in the suburbs (NAN BOUK) to buy 2 BONBON SIWO...
BUT... There was always a risk... Fok ou pa pe PWA GRATE... LOL...
Man... The things that comes to your mind when you see something familiar...
Rest in peace Grandma... We miss you... We remember you... And we thank you...
By the way... After staring at the morning star for so long I finally came to realize... It wasn't the morning star at all... It was a freakin' airplane!
Have a nice day!
Mezanmi... Reply with your comments!
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All Comments (9)
Aim looking for a Lady by the name of Jaquelin I saw her In brooklyn ny And she the exact face of my Grandmother I would love to see her again so I can show my family before they past or before I lose
You brought both laughter and tears to my eyes in reading this thread.
Thank you though, I can relate to each and everything that you said here. Memories rushed back...I also remember waking-up early morning (douvan jou) with tati Vierge twice a week to go nan mache.
She would place me up on one of the sak-paille on top of the ti-bourik en route for ti-mache.
ou pote yon paket bel souveni pou mwin lew esplike tout bel bagay sayo bon mwin se yon moun kifet jacmel nan yon ti zone ki rele lafon se minn principe la nou adopte an touka mesi anpil epi ou fem rinmin peyi plis ke janm te rinminn mesi keep up the good
it is good that we as Haitian can use Technology to identify ourselves.
mouin min-m tou, mouinn kon ale andeyo pandan vackans 3 moua. sak ki ti lis interesm, se ale nan ladin chak matim pou tire let bef. Man i tell you if you have never drank raw caw milk, you know nothing.kote ou kite ze bouy. mouin sonje yon matin bone i went to the garden as usual to look for eggs. You know. i always listen to the fawls when the star making that kok..kok..kok..kodokkkkkkkk! you know poul la pon Ze. s o, i will walk in the bush searching for those eggs. you jou, mouin dekpuvri you nich ki ginyin 2 dozen eggs. mouin te konn tire fistibal tou min tankou-ou fre mouin, mouin toujou manke sepandant piske mouin pat maton nan tire fistibal, mouin tan pelin pou zotolan in fact i used to raised then. some times i go to leogane le gin mache pou mouin achte toutrel ake zotolan.
Dear compatriote,
I have tears in my eyes when reading your story.
You are a real Haitian and so am I.I grew up in Verrettes although my mother was from Borel( a walking distance, about 3 to 5 kms to Verrettes).
I'm telling you those are were good day for real.
I remember when u to wake up early in the morning (pou al nan dlo avan wal
Yeahhhh man, I had a little bit of that experience myself.
I used to look forward to go on summer vacation in Jacmel and Tiapon between Jacmel and Leogane.
I used to take my soccer ball with me but could not find anyone there to play with, because the kids were all famers and did not know how to play. So I used to play with my brothers.
I really enjoyed your writing about your " Grann ", mine, Suzanna, was the pillar of my family.
I am really saddened by how much we've lost in our traditions, so many of the best Haitians have left and never returned.
Thanks for the feel good thoughts about the good old days, I only wish that more of the young Haitians only knew what you are talking
Great story Paysan,
I remember those days as well; I thank god for you for remembering your beautiful ancestor(s)! This is a time where old things are becoming new, and the new shall come to pass..
But trust that our ancestors are here, they are
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