Haiti - Peasant leaders are TIRED of all the LIES and deception in Haitian Politics
A peasant leader complains he has lost his ability to assemble people for political purposes due to the amount of lies and deceptions in Haitian politics... "They've lost their trust in me," he says, "because of those who lie to me to get elected"...
PHOTO: Haiti Politics - Peasants Leaders Tired or Candidate LIARS
KREYOL: Haiti - Peyizan yo fè konnen yo bouke resevwa kandida politsyen ki vini ba yo manti pou yo ka genyen election... Lè election fini, ou pa janm wè yo, yo pa kenbe promès yo, yo pa menm retounen vinn di nou mèsi...
The group of peasants together under a tree to hear to hear the words of a political delegation and talk politics. You can clearly see the frustrations in their faces.
"Candidates come, candidates go," he says, "they promise they will do everything to change our lives. It is I who turns around to convince the people to vote for that candidate."
"Once the candidate is elected, we never see him again, he doesn't even return to say thank you."
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